The top of the toeboard must be at least 10 cm (4 in.) above the If loose materials are to be stacked above the height of the toeboard, then the toeboard must be increased in height or mesh panels must be installed to prevent materials from falling off the scaffold.

Other methods of tying the scaffold should be of a push-and-pull- type mechanism and located no more than 6 m (20 ft.) vertically and 6.4 m (21 ft.) horizontally, after the first tie has been installed to comply with the 3 to 1
#Step up scaffold professional
The guying of a scaffold may require the direction of a professional engineer. A scaffold built above the 3 to 1 rule must be effectively guyed or secured to a building or structure to prevent overturning.With a rolling scaffold or free-standing tower, the platform height must not exceed three times its smallest base dimension (3 to 1 rule).All joints must be pinned on rolling scaffolds and free-standing towers. If uplift could cause the components to separate, locking pins must be used and the components Uplift might be caused by the action of wind on a secured deck or by the leverage action of a cantilever side bracket on the scaffold.The frames must be plumb and level and spaced to adequately support the.Adjustable base plates must be adjusted within the limits specified by the manufacturer or.The sill must be sound, rigid, and capable of supporting the maximum loads without settlement or Sills and base plates are required on any soil or unstable ground condition, or where any levelling adjustment is needed. The base must be firm and level enough to support the load of scaffolding, workers, and materials.All equipment must be inspected before use to ensure that it is in good repair and suitable for the intended.The qualified person must ensure that the erection is carried out according to acceptable practices in compliance with any drawings and the manufacturer’s or supplier’s instructions, and that the correct components and materials are being A scaffold must be erected, altered, and dismantled by qualified workers or under the direct supervision of a qualified person.